Archive | February, 2011

Patriot Act and Attention Deficit Democracy

The Campaign for Liberty reposted this 2006 article of mine today, so, what the heck – I’ll pile on. The Patriot Act and Attention Deficit Democracy By James Bovard The American political system failed when Congress and the media recently rolled over in favor of extending the most onerous provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act. […]

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Egyptian Heroine: “We Do Not Trust a Govt. That Sends Thugs to Kill Us.”

I just listened to a live interview on Al Jazeera English with a 23-year-old woman in Tahrir Square. The pro-Mubarak forces are apparently pounding the anti-Mubarak demonstators in the Square with gunfire this night. The Al-Jazeera host asked why she and other demonstrators refused to accept Mubarak’s promise to hold elections. Salma Al-tasi replied: “We […]

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