Archive | April 14, 2017


Waco Wacko Backlash

After White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Tuesday that no one had used chemical weapons since World War One, I tweeted a reminder that the U.S. government used chemical weapons at Waco.  Lots of folks kindly retweeted my line, including Ann Coulter (who has more than a million followers.) Many Twitter users were outraged at that […]

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FFF: How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 1

Future of Freedom Foundation How Food Stamps Subverted Democracy, Part 1 by James Bovard The federal government is now feeding more than 100 million Americans. The vast increase in dependency fundamentally changes the relationship of Washington to the citizenry. The more Americans rely on handouts, the more difficult it becomes to roll back politicians’ power […]

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