Future of Freedom Foundation The Bundy Ranch Case Explains Westerners’ Distrust of Washington by James Bovard April 30, 2018 The Justice Department was caught in January in another high-profile travesty of due process. On December 20, federal judge Gloria Navarro declared a mistrial in the case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and others after prosecutors […]
Archive | April, 2018

The Hill: Comey’s Forgotten Lies as FBI Chief
The Hill, April 20, 2018 Comey’s book tour is all about ‘truth’ — but his FBI tenure, not so much by James Bovard In his ABC interview last Sunday, former FBI chief James Comey boasted endlessly of his devotion to truth, which he said “has to be central to our lives.” Touting his role in bringing […]

FFF: Trump and the Right to #Resist
Future of Freedom Foundation TRUMP AND THE RIGHT TO #RESIST by James Bovard Since Donald Trump’s election, it has become fashionable for his opponents to use a #Resist hashtag on their social media postings. Public demonstrations have become more fashionable than at any time since the Vietnam War. Federal agencies are actively working to thwart […]

The Hill: Bitter Lessons 25 Years After FBI Final Assault at Waco
The Hill, April 16, 2018 Bitter lessons 25 years after Waco, Texas, siege By James Bovard, opinion contributor Twenty-five years ago today, FBI tanks smashed into the ramshackle home of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas. After the FBI collapsed much of the building atop the residents, a fire erupted and 76 corpses were […]
Syria: Trump as a Lynch Mob with Cruise Missiles
A few more tweets…. Careful analysis of bomb blast evidence proves Trump's missile strike on Syria was a big success https://t.co/we20mT1len — James Bovard (@JimBovard) April 15, 2018 What damned phrase of George W. Bush will @realDonaldTrump repeat next? Maybe "Bring 'em on!" uttered by GWB on 7/3/2003 – prior to Iraqi militants killing thousands […]

USA TODAY: College Students Aren’t Starving, They’re Fat
USA TODAY, April 11, 2018 Starvation issues in universities? The real college problem is obesity. by James Bovard, Opinion columnist A new report claims college students are ‘food insecure’ and starving. But better research shows they’re overweight and lazy. Starvation might be stalking among college students, according to shocking headlines in Newsweek and elsewhere, and The Washington Post warns of […]

The Disaster of Federal Farm Policy
Mises Institute THE DISASTER OF FEDERAL FARM POLICY by James Bovard Someone once defined metaphysics as searching in a dark room for a black cat that isn’t there. For the last 35 years in Washington, I have been searching for rational government policies. And, like that black cat, I’m starting to doubt that it is […]