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Portuguese Translations of my Epigrams and Recent Articles

Murilo Leme* kindly translated some of my recent epigrams and articles into Portuguese. I think some of the one-liners sound better with the Latin overtones of his language. I much appreciate his making my writings accessible to folks in Brazil, Portugal, and even Mozambique. If you know folks who would appreciate this Portuguse rendition, please […]

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How Abu Ghraib was Politically Defused

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my Freedom Article on how the Bush administration and its media allies buried Abu Ghraib in 2004. This episode teaches that no one should underestimate the role of lying and blustering in American politics. Regardless of smoking gun photos and smoking gun memos (including the first Yoo […]

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Obama’s Great Medical Records Roundup

The American Conservative just posted my attack on Obama’s plan to digitize and centralize everyone’s medical records. Ah, the joys of positive thinking about Leviathan…. HEALTH OF THE STATE March 9, 2009 American Conservative by James Bovard ** The President’s Plan for Your Medical Records The computerization of personal healthcare records is one of the […]

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Scenes from CPAC 2009

The Conservative Political Action Conference in DC wrapped up today.  I tromped down there Friday and got a few photos. There were heaps of books on Sarah Palin and several organizations touting her political future.  Joe the Plumber was there, along with lots of people who retain faith in all the nation’s recent wars and […]

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Epigrams from Feeling Your Pain (2000)

The following lines are from Feeling Your Pain: The Explosion and Abuse of Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years (St. Martin’s/Palgrave, 2000): Those who forget past boondoggles will be perpetually taxed for new boondoggles. The issue is not how much a politician cares but how much power he seeks. Clinton exploited and expanded the dictatorial […]

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