Tag Archives | Afghanistan


Endless U.S. Government Lies on the Afghanistan War

The U.S. military tried to cover up the Taliban’s shooting of a U.S. general on Thursday in Kandahar. What other Afghan debacles is the Pentagon hiding? Here’s a 2009 piece I did for Counterpunch and the Future of Freedom Foundation on the lies that permeated the first 8 years of the Afghan war.  The New […]

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jpb fff afghan child molesters fff photo

FFF: Your Tax Dollars Bankroll Afghan Child Molesters

Future of Freedom Foundation Your Tax Dollars Bankroll Afghan Child-Molesters by James Bovard Donald Trump was hailed by the media last August when he announced he was sending more U.S. troops to fight in Afghanistan. A Washington Post editorial praised his “principled realism” and saluted “a rare but welcome story of self-correction” (since Trump had […]

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The Hill: Hollywood hoopla ignores media’s history of servility

The Hill, March 2, 2018 Hollywood hoopla ignores media’s history of servility by James Bovard Much of the media nowadays is portraying itself as heroes of the #Resist Trump movement. To exploit that meme, Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg rushed out “The Post,” a movie depicting an epic press battle with the Nixon administration. But regardless […]

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The Hill: Obama’s Forgotten Lies and Frauds

  The Hill, December 18, 2017 How quickly NY Times forgets Obama’s lies and frauds by James Bovard Donald Trump has been flogging the truth and twisting facts since the day he arrived in the Oval Office. But anyone who expected more candor from him as president than on the campaign trail was criminally naive. […]

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The Hill: Your Tax Dollars Fund Afghan Child Rape

 The Hill, December 3, 2017 Your tax dollars fund Afghan child rape by James Bovard Americans are rightly outraged over revelations that Congress spent $17 million since 1997 to pay off and muzzle victims of congressional sexual misconduct and other abuses. But the U.S. government has spent vastly more effectively bankrolling far more worse sexual […]

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Will Trump Slash Federal Spending?

 Future of Freedom Foundation Will Trump Reduce Federal Spending? by James Bovard November 21, 2017 Donald Trump’s first proposed budget took a step towards draining the swamp in Washington. His proposal was the first one since the Reagan era in which a president has sought a wholesale demolition of boondoggles. On the other hand, Trump’s […]

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tricky dick used carnage national lampoon book cover

Trump’s Afghanistan Speech: Hustling Used Carnage

  Trump’s speech on Afghanistan this evening reminded me of this book cover from the early 1970s.  This was probably some of the first political humor which I relished.  National Lampoon was much more reliable on Nixon’s foreign policy than was the Washington Post. Here is my running commentary via Facebook: So Trump will speak […]

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