Tag Archives | Afghanistan

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Free FFF Books on Gun Control Today

The Future of Freedom Foundation is offering two free Kindle books on gun control.  The Tyranny of Gun Control includes a few essays I wrote on the topic in the 1990s, as well as essays by Sheldon Richman, Jacob Hornberger, and Richard Ebeling.   FFF is also offering a free copy of Scott McPherson’s zesty new book, […]

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My Afghan Twitter Firestorm

Saturday afternoon, I read about how the U.S. had bombed the only hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, which was being staffed by the French volunteer group, Doctors without Borders.  I recalled the 2004 U.S. bombings of a hospital in Fallujah.  So I tossed out a tweet – Blowing up that Kunduz hospital is a small price to […]

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9/11 and the Triumph of Leviathan

This is the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and America continues to suffer from the political exploitation of that day.  When Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil  came out in 2003, many people condemned that book as alarmist. The final sentence of the first chapter […]

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Wash. Times: Obama’s Phony Foreign Aid Reforms

Washington Times, October 29, 2014 Obama’s phony foreign-aid reform The president boosts aid spending rather than fixing its flaws By James Bovard Four years ago, President Obama promised in a United Nations speech to “change the way we do business” with foreign aid and “seek partners who want to build their own capacity to provide […]

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Afghan Election Thief Promises to be Accountable

The Washington Post has a positive-thinking headline today: “Afghanistan’s new president: ‘Hold me accountable.’” A more honest headline would have been:  “Afghan Election Thief says ‘Hold Me Accountable’ – the latest Obama democracy sham success story” Ashraf Ghani took the oath of office after the U.S. government helped finagle a power-sharing deal between Ghani and allegedly second […]

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Obama Foreign Policy Maxim Actually Not Bad

According to Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration’s guiding maxim for foreign policy was “Don’t do stupid shit.” But if that was their lodestar, why did they ever hire Hillary as Secretary of State? Hillary would also have been disqualified for that job if the Obama team relied on Google’s (former) motto: “Don’t be evil.” If the […]

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Counterpunch: Medals of Freedom vs. America’s Freedom

   June 25, 2014 The Medals of Freedom vs. America’s Freedom by JAMES BOVARD For almost 50 years, politicians have used Medals of Freedom to reward their henchmen who started wars or subverted freedom.  Prior to the 1960s, the U.S. government avoided the temptation to distribute nonmilitary awards by the bucket. However, in 1963, President […]

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