Tag Archives | assassination


Jousting with Secret Service Debacles on the Brian Wilson Podcast

PODCAST ALERT VIA BRIAN WILSON: “The Two and Only, talk show legend Brian Wilson and best selling scribbler James Bovard, take on Secret Service Incompetence or FBI Non Compos Mentis? A distinction without a difference!” Brian Wilson opened the show by quipping that there “are only 110 long, hard, grueling days left to sharpen your […]

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brownstone institute 95601

Landmarks on the Road to Covid Tyranny

Landmarks on the Road to Covid Tyranny By James Bovard   February 21, 2023   History, Law Many Americans were appalled at the oppressive decrees issued by politicians and government officials during the Covid pandemic. But there were plenty of post-9/11 precedents that paved the way for recent abuses. Authoritarian Covid policies were shocking but […]

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10th Anniversary of Obama Killing a Young American

Today is the 10th anniversary of the drone killing of Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi, a 16 year old born in Colorado and killed in Yemen.  He perished as part of Obama’s crackdown on terrorist suspects around the world. His father, who was also an American citizen, was killed two weeks earlier by another drone strike ordered by […]

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January 6 Capitol Clash. Photo by Tyler Merber via Wikipedia

The “Conspiracy Theory” Charade

American Conservative, June 24, 2021 The ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Charade How government and media use the phrase to suppress opposition.by by James Bovard Biden’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism” report last week declared that “enhancing faith in American democracy” requires “finding ways to counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories.” In recent decades, conspiracy […]

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USA TODAY: No Deep State Deliverance for Democracy

USA TODAY, November 13, 2019 As the deep state attacks Trump to rave media reviews, don’t forget its dark side The deep state has a long history of betraying the trust of the American people. They aren’t our friends just because we share an enemy in common. by James Bovard “Thank God for the deep […]

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Podcast: Obama’s Forgotten Constitutional Depredations

Barack Obama is rapidly ascending to sainthood as people forget the sordid details of his abuses of power. Here’s a podcast to revive his record, produced for the Future of Freedom Foundation. Thanks again to Bart Frazier for cleaning up the video & posting it. “Bureaucratic bulldozing? Groping TSA agents? Federal secrecy and aggressive prosecution […]

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