Tag Archives | assassination

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Our Foreign Aid & Obama’s Drone License to Kill

Here’s a refutation to those cynics who claim that America gets no benefit from our foreign aid payoffs – (cartoon by Heng from the New York Times) And here’s another jibe at drones from Saturday’s Stop Watching Us rally in Washington –

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Bradley Manning Verdict & WikiLeaks Movie

Bradley Manning got nailed today by a military judge for exposing the truth. The folks who committed war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq have almost all walked scot-free. The folks who made the policies that led to the abuses have never faced federal charges. Dreamworks has a movie on Wikileaks that will be coming out […]

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Rand Paul Irretrievably Loses Liquor Store Robber Vote

After his Fox News interview in which he endorsed using drones for responding to suspected violent crimes in progress, Sen. Rand Paul‘s office issued a clarification last night. But Rand Paul has definitely lost the liquor store robber vote no matter what he says between now and 2016.   .

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