The Biden Crime Family and Our Corrupt Foreign Aid by James Bovard I know Romanian corruption. When I was exiting the country after investigating its collapsing economy in 1987, I made sure to bribe every guard who searched my luggage at the Bucharest airport with a pack of Kent cigarettes. But I neglected to give […]
Tag Archives | Biden

N.Y. Post: How the Biden corruption empire ran under the radar for so long
New York Post, May 11, 2023 How the Biden corruption empire ran under the radar for so long by James Bovard I know Romanian corruption. When I was exiting the country in 1987 after investigating its collapsing economy, I made sure to bribe every guard who searched my luggage at the Bucharest airport with a […]

My Sordid Bribery History, Biden Scandals, and Mis-Jabbed Nurses – Brian Wilson Podcast
From the BrianWilsonWrites substack: “Indeed a rare Two and Only podcast wherein Jim Bovard actually displays more faith in the House Oversight Committee’s Biden investigation than Brian Wilson! Hear this strange and usual conversation – and the deep background on Jim Bovard’s successful but little-known Kent cigarette Romanian distributorship!” Listen to the podcast at this […]

Biden’s Sham Compassion for His Covid Persecution Victims
Brownstone Institute, May 10, 2023 Biden’s Sham Compassion for His Covid Persecution Victims by James Bovard On Saturday, President Biden tweeted: “One of the most underrated professions in America is nursing. Nurses don’t just help you live, they make you want to live. This National Nurses Week, let’s celebrate and appreciate all they do to […]
Mortgage Madness, 29th Amendment, Congressional Perfidy, and Nattering Nabobs of Negativism on Brian Wilson Podcast
this week’s podcast episode –— “The Two and Only — Brian Wilson and James Bovard Something Completely Different, With Brian Wilson News Commentary This week, The Two and Only ponder mortgage adjustment fees and the housing market, the 29th Amendment, Senate meetings on Supreme Court ethics, the lawsuit concerning Tucker Carlson and a Fox […]

World Economic Forum Wants to Make You a Serf
World Economic Forum Wants to Make You a Serf by James Bovard The January meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, should have set off alarms among freedom lovers around the globe. The annual confab of billionaires, political weasels, and deranged activists laid out plans to further repress humanity. But at least […]

Thumping Biden’s Mortgage Madness on WMAL Washington Talk Radio
I was on WMAL Washington radio yesterday with Larry O’Connor to pummel Biden’s mortgage mandate madness. He liked my line: “The easiest way to ruin somebody’s life is to give them a mortgage they can’t afford.” The furor over this policy is spurring House Republicans to seek to block the Biden administration’s boneheaded “reform.” Here’s […]