Tag Archives | Biden


Lockdown Tyranny: A Personal Retrospective

American Institute for Economic Research, March 24, 2021 Lockdown Tyranny: A Personal Retrospective James Bovard Over the past year, Americans’ rights and liberties have been ravaged worse than almost anyone expected at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fearmongering quickly proved the ticket for politicians to seize almost unlimited power. But heavy-handed government decrees were […]

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H.R. 1 and Herd Count Democracy

American Conservative, March 20, 2021 H.R. 1 and Herd Count Democracy Democrats’ attempt to canonize 2020 election procedures makes a mockery of democracy. by  James Bovard Is it a federal civil rights violation if citizens have to get off their butts in order to cast their votes? Democrats are pushing a national election “reform” bill […]

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jpb quote biden era competence

Biden’s “Burn-Rate” Rescue Act

American Institute for Economic Research, March 17, 2021 Biden’s “Burn-Rate” Rescue Act James Bovard In the Biden era, federal competence has been defined down to mailing government checks to people who didn’t earn them to buy votes for politicians who don’t deserve them. A Washington Post headline whooped that Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act “showers […]

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Will FBI ‘Chats’ Send Conservatives to Prison?

American Conservative, March 13, 2021 Will FBI ‘Chats’ Send Conservatives to Prison? by James Bovard With no requirements to record interviews, and the potential to prosecute based on false statements, the FBI has a terrifying amount of power over citizens. Across the nation, FBI agents are swooping down upon conservative activists, Trump supporters, and anyone […]

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Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy Around the World

American Institute for Economic Research, March 10, 2021 Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy around the World James Bovard While the number of fatalities attributed to Covid-19 is carefully tracked by governments, few people have recognized how pandemic-spurred crackdowns have devastated democracy around the world. Emergency proclamations have entitled presidents and other government officials to seize vast new […]

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Terrorist Crackdowns Won’t Keep Us Safe

American Conservative, March 7, 2021 Terrorist Crackdowns Won’t Keep Us Safe The Bush administration’s post-9/11 domestic crusade is a cautionary tale for post-1/6 America.   March 6, 2021 |12:01 am James Bovard President Biden, congressional Democrats, and much of the media are clamoring for a new law against domestic terrorism. Before enacting a new law, […]

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Teachers Unions Have Always Been Terrible

American Conservative, February 15, 2021 Teachers Unions Have Always Been Terrible Forty years of getting in the way of childrens’ education by James Bovard NEW YORK, NY – AUGUST 3, 2020: BLM, UFT and other groups participate in a National Day of Resistance to protest for demands including no reopening of schools, police-free schools, and […]

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