Tag Archives | Bovard

Deliberative Democracy Dementia

The Foundation for Economic Education posted online the pieces from the May issue of the Freeman.   Here’s my two cents on Deliberative Democracy….  (There are a few extra line breaks in this text; I have cursed it quite thoroughly but the blog software remains recalcitrant). “Deliberative Democracy” Dementia By James Bovard James Bovard (jim@jimbovard.com) is […]

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Excellent Report on US Military’s Civilian Carnage in Iraq

Chris Hedges and Laila Al-Arian have an excellent report in the new issue of Nation from interviews with 50 U.S. veterans on the carnage inflicted in Iraq. Hedges, Al-Arian, and Nation deserve great credit for this report. If the New York Times or the Washington Post had half as much gumption on this issue, Americans […]

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Political Ethics Conundrum

from ThinkProgress.org’s summary of today’s headlines – following up on the story of Sen. Vitter’s phone number showing up on the DC’s madam’s list:   Sen. David Vitter visited a Canal Street brothel several times “beginning in the mid-1990s, paying $300 per hour for services at the bordello.” Attempting to defend Vitter against the “solicitation of […]

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Online Radio July 4th – 6 PM Eastern – Peter B. Collins

Peter Collins, the liberal West Coast radio host, will rebroadcast his recent interview  with me tomorrow (Wed.) July 4th at 6 p.m. Eastern time, 3 p.m. Pacific.  You can listen online here.  It is an hour interview. We had some hearty laughs – especially about a comparsion of Alberto Gonzales to a drunk SUV driver who crashes into […]

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I.H.S. LibertyGuide Reviews Attention Deficit Democracy

The Institute for Humane Studies’ LibertyGuide website reviewed Attention Deficit Democracy. Samuel DeConio, who is finishing a doctorate in political science, covered many of the book’s subjects in his article.   I appreciate the time and effort he took to read and review A.D.D.  His review is very thorough on several aspects of the book that […]

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Monday Syndicated Interview Now Online

Scott Horton of Antiwar.com kindly spent a heap of hours last night tracking down a rebroadcast of the Neal Boortz interview.  Scott caught & copied the gig and posted it online here. If you haven’t checked out Scott’s Stress blog recently, give it a shot.  He is taping interviews with many writers, antiwar activists, and […]

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