Tag Archives | communism


Podcast: My Train Trip to Communist Hell

Millennials like Communism?!? I was vaccinated against it when I traveled to Romania, dodging secret agent hookers, surly clerks, and gullible guards with machine guns.  I avoided arrest and whacked hell out of the regime in the New York Times after I returned. Two years later, an uprising ended with the execution of the country’s […]

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JPB 1987 NYT screenshot for blog

New York Times 1987: Eastern Europe, the New Third World

Some folks think that I have only recently become cynical.  Actually, my skepticism has a long pedigree… xxx New York Times, December 20, 1987 BUSINESS FORUM: ECONOMIC COLLAPSE; Eastern Europe, the New Third World By JAMES BOVARD     IN the wake of the summit talks between President Reagan and the Soviet leader Mikhail S. […]

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Juni 1988
Berlin (West), die Mauer in Berlin-Kreuzberg

How the Berlin Wall Spurred My Biggest Blunder

Here are two more jpegs for that article created by Natalie Fawn Danelishen, the media graphics artist for the Mises Institute. Natalie does great work; if you need an artist, contact her. Mises Institute Blog, February 15, 2018 How the Berlin Wall Spurred My Biggest Blunder by James Bovard As of last week, the Berlin […]

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Daily Hell of Life in the Soviet Bloc

Mises Institute, November 20, 2017 The Daily Hell of Life in the Soviet Bloc by James Bovard This month is the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party’s seizure of power in Petrograd, Russia. British Guardian columnist Paul Mason recent declared that the Soviet revolution provided “a beacon to the rest of humanity, no matter how […]

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Communist Burlesque: The Comecon Trade Trainwreck

Mises Institute, November 6, 2017 International Trade Under the Soviets: A Comedy of Errors by James Bovard One of Ludwig von Mises’ great contributions to modern thought was his proof of the inability of economic calculation under socialism. This core truth should be recalled as many leftists seek to restore communism’s cachet. Perhaps nothing more […]

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Orient Express to Hell

At a time when the New York Times and many liberals are romanticizing communism, a refresher course on tyranny is in order. Here’s the story of my visit to communist Romania two years before a popular uprising overthrew the most oppressive government in Europe. An early version of this piece ran in the Freeman in 2010, thanks to one […]

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food stamps MD indepdnence card USDA post on flickr copyright free

USA TODAY Letters Expose my Communist Tendencies

USA Today ran letters today thumping my food stamp article (“Donald Trump’s budget slashes government junk food pipeline to the poor“).  Here’s my fav: People on food stamps have ligitimate [sic] needs: Your Say The government paying for people’s food is socialism. However, the government choosing the allowed food to buy with food stamps is […]

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