Tag Archives | Congress

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MP3 of IRS Interview on Janine Turner Radio Show

I had a lively chat yesterday with conservative firebrand and former Hollywood star Janine Turner on her Houston KPRC (and XM/Sirius) radio show.  She wanted to hash out the Wall Street Journal piece on the  IRS, and we had fun jibing at Congress.  Well, at least I did.  I got the hunch that Janine’s confidence in […]

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Will Congressional Republicans Ever Be Worth A Damn For Freedom?

The American Conservative posted online today my review of Jim Antle’s zippety new book, Devouring Freedom: Can Big Government Ever Be Stopped?.  Antle recognizes the peril of Leviathan and is fairly optimistic on what Republicans can become and achieve.  Here are a few of my lines from the review – which is posted in its […]

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My Wall St Jrn op-ed: IRS Political Targeting Since FDR

Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2013 A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting One survey found that 75% of IRS respondents felt entitled to deceive or lie to Congress. By JAMES BOVARD Many Republicans are enraged over revelations in recent days that the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative nonprofit groups with a campaign of audits […]

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America Needs Fewer Laws, Not More Prisons -Lost Rights

Congress is finally paying attention to the choking profusion of federal criminal laws.  The House Committee on the Judiciary Over-Criminalization Task Force of 2013 will be launched this week, seeking to pare  back the federal criminal code.  The Wall Street Journal, which has had an excellent series of reports on this problem in recent years, notes, […]

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Your Tax Dollars at Work and Play

I’m sitting here filling out my IRS Form 1040 and just realized that I’m suffering from a severe deficit of idealism. To rectify that defect, I re-read this op-ed I wrote in 2011…. Washington Times, April 14, 2011 Uncle Sam’s big plans for your hard-earned tax dollars by James Bovard Congratulations – your tax payment […]

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Our Know-Nothing Foreign Policy

From January 2011, my American Conservative review of Derek Leebaert’s Magic and Mayhem. Worst and Brightest Review of Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan, Derek Leebaert, Simon & Schuster, 336 pages By James Bovard In the decades since John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, foreign-policy experts have become Washington’s leading […]

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