Tag Archives | Democracy

Covid and Constitutional Roadkill

American Institute for Economic Research, November 3, 2020 Covid and Constitutional RoadKill James Bovard Is the U.S. Constitution the biggest roadkill on the 2020 campaign trail? Is faith in “American exceptionalism” blinding people to a death spiral of American democracy? According to much of the media, this is a single-issue election: “It’s the pandemic, stupid,” […]

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Election Day Tweets

It is never too late for positive thinking. I’m old enough to recall when the media was less dishonest than the political candidates. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) November 3, 2020 How many votes has the Deep State swayed in this election? Will any Deep State chieftain ever be prosecuted for their lies & other crimes? […]

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A Collection of Bovardian Epigrams

Originally posted by the Mises Institute; reposted by Zero Hedge, Counterpunch, Ron Paul Institute, Libertarian Institute, Lapm Journal (U.K.), Aletho News, USA Express, Make Xpress (U.K.), Zenith News, Finanz (Germany), USSA News, Qoshe.com, and in Estonian language here. Audio version from Mises is here. A Collection of Bovardian Epigrams by James Bovard, October 28, 2020 […]

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Voting is Overrated (2000)

American Spectator Online / Knight Ridder syndicate @ November 4, 2000 Voting is Overrated by James Bovard Voting is dangerously overrated as a surefire safeguard to preserve liberty. Vice President Al Gore is clearly the most dangerous candidate running for the Presidency. If Gore wins, the pernicious trends of the Clinton era will continue full […]

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Will Democracy’s Myths Doom Liberty?

Mises Institute, October 23, 2020 Will Democracy’s Myths Doom Liberty? by James Bovard The Supreme Court declared in 1943, “There is no mysticism in the American concept of the State or of the nature or origin of its authority.” In reality, the cardinal doctrines of contemporary democracy are layer upon layer of mystical claptrap. The […]

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