Tag Archives | Democracy


The Hill: End Democracy Promotion Flim-Flam

And here’s some testy responses from Hill readers – The Hill, March 16, 2018 TIME TO END DEMOCRACY PROMOTION FLIM-FLAM by James Bovard Democracy promotion has long been one of the U.S. government’s favorite foreign charades. The Trump administration’s proposal to slash funding for democratic evangelism is being denounced as if it were the dawn […]

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The Hill: George W. Bush’s Forgotten Crimes Against Democracy

The Hill, February 15, 2018  George W. Bush doesn’t deserve the media’s efforts at rehabilitation by James Bovard  “Our democracy is only as good as people trust the results,” former President George W. Bush declared in a presumably well-paid speech last week in the United Arab Emirates, a notorious Arab dictatorship. Bush is being exalted […]

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The Hill: Will FISA Secrecy Doom Democracy?

The Hill, February 5, 2018 Will FISA Secrecy Doom Democracy? by James Bovard “Democracy Dies in the Darkness” is the proud motto of the Washington Post. But, considering the past week’s frenzy, the new motto for much of the media and many Democrats is, “Disclosure is the Death of Democracy.” Unfortunately, the uproar around the […]

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Democracy versus Liberty

Trump’s presidency is helping Americans recognize that voting is no guarantee for individual liberty. This is perhaps the most frequently forgotten lesson in politics.  Many liberals were convinced that Obama’s election somehow made Americans’ constitutional rights safe, while many conservatives believed that Al Gore’s defeat in 2000 provided the same windfall.  In reality, no president can be […]

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USA TODAY: More Iron Fists to Save Democracy?

USA TODAY, November 8, 2017 Trump election anniversary and progressives’ delusional race to save democracy by James Bovard Some liberals think increasing government power will repair our broken civic life. But it would destroy the tattered remnants of federal legitimacy. Responding to the anniversary of Donald Trump’s election, The Washington Post Magazine presented “38 ideas for […]

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USA TODAY: Facebook’s Vast Censorship Regimes

USA TODAY, October 27, 2017 Facebook censored me. Cross your country’s government and it might censor you too. by James Bovard Facebook said my post’s image of a violent FBI raid ‘incorrectly triggered our automation tools.’ But it wasn’t the first time an iconic image vanished. Responding to Russian-funded political advertisements, Facebook chairman Mark Zuckerberg declared last month that […]

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