Post-debate verdict: Cynicism won last night. Neither candidate looked trustworthy with more power than commanding a toy fleet in a bathtub. Trump reminded me at times of a Washington Redskins safety missing easy open field tackles of a slow-moving opposing quarterback. Hillary’s powerlust peaked through at times in a way that chilled anyone who not […]
Tag Archives | Democracy

Margreet de Heer’s Great New Democracy Cartoon
Dutch cartoonist Margreet de Heer has a great new cartoon on the history of democracy. This is part of her forthcoming graphic novel, World Domination – a Discovery in Comics. Here is a link to the Amazon page with Margreet’s other books. A thumbnail bio: “A long time ago, Margreet studied Theology at the University of […]

How Dependency Destroys Democracy – Mises Institute
From the new issue of the Mises Institute The Austrian newsletter Jan. 2016- How Government Buys Your Support by James Bovard In Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. military officers routinely handed bundles of cash to local residents to buy influence and undermine resistance to the American occupation. Such payments came in especially handy after US troops […]
Iowa GOP Barnbusting Debate!
OK, so sue me for a using a misleading blog headline. What the hell – at least I don’t need to watch any more debates this month. My live tweets as the show went on… and on…. Disappointed that #GOPDebate candidates did not invoke "Judeo-Christian values" in the same sentence calling for carpet bombing — […]
Democratic Debate Hoots & Huckstering
Tonight’s Democratic candidate debate was everything a cynic could have wished for. Government retained its power to perform miracles, though no one explicitly promised that it could raise the dead. It is amazing to see how far & easily both Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley ran from their records in office. Following are some of […]

GOP Slugfest – Saudis, Cigars, Treason, & Tweets
Damned unfortunate that Fox Business News blocked Rand Paul from the debate tonight in South Carolina. Here are Twitter messages as the candidates wrangled [ok, so the photo is a few months old – Carly didn’t make it to the main stage tonight but every other photo I considered was painfully dull] #GOPDebate Kasich: […]
USA TODAY: Budget Bill Leaves No Boondoggle Behind
USA TODAY, December 17, 2015 BUDGET BILL LEAVES NO BOONDOGGLE BEHIND by James Bovard Republican congressional leaders are like a football coach who believes the secret to winning is to punt early and often. House Speaker Paul Ryan and others are claiming victory over the 2,000-plus page appropriations bill, but this is a “no boondoggle left […]