Maybe the Justice Department can cure this Attention Deficit Democracy problem by proposing an amendment to the Voting Rights Act to protect the calendar-impaired voters. Maybe the feds could require states to count the votes of those who are clueless about when Election Day occurs? Actually, some states might already be moving in that […]
Tag Archives | Democracy
MP3 – Talking Saudis & 9/11 Coverup with Denver’s Peter Boyles
Peter Boyles and I had a great chat on the cover-up of the potential Saudi role in the 9/11 attacks on KNUS radio in Denver this morning (spurred by my USA Today oped on that topic). Peter is one of the best informed talk show hosts I have spoken with in a long time. He […]

FFF: Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the following article from the June issue of the Future of Freedom – The Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights by James Bovard The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the legality of the Affordable Care Act this past March. Several justices questioned whether a ruling […]

Barrons: Supreme Neglect of Liberty at Highest Court
BARRON’S, September 21, 2015 Supreme Neglect of Liberty at the High Court By James Bovard Author James Bovard writes how America’s highest court has turned a blind eye to fundamental rights. In its recent landmark decision on gay marriage, five Supreme Court justices proclaimed that “the Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach…to […]

My Tweets on the GOP Presidential Candidates Debate
Lordie I never expected that “debate” to last more than 3 hours. I almost ran out of beer. I didn’t start tweeting until the second hour but here’s my two cents – Gov. Kasich last night quoted saying, "If you've saved one life, you’ve changed the world." What about lives snuffed by US drones & […]
Is Government Waste Incurable? One Case Study
U.S. NEWS The End of the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation? Not So Fast By James Bovard The Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation’s ship has sunk after Congress refused to bail out the federal agency that critics say serves no legitimate purpose. It stayed afloat for more than two decades thanks to lawmakers doling out millions of […]

MP3 – Appalachian Thru Hiker Hoopla
Talk show legend Brian Wilson and I had a rowdy chat today on his Libertas Media Project podcast on the Midsummer Shakespeare Brawl, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and whether the American political system is beyond hope. Since Brian is aware that I’ve been doing a little hiking, he asked about a recent story about hikers in […]