Tag Archives | Democracy


Nashville Tennessean Denounces My Cynicism

An editorial headlined, “Your Time is Coming – Make it Count”  in Sunday’s Nashville Tennessean denounced my bad attitude: Staunch libertarian James Bovard cynically decries efforts to promote participation in elections, saying, “Trumpeting the importance of voting deludes people into thinking that they have a leash on the government.” We could not more vehemently disagree. […]

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Public Policy Hooligan Reviewed by San Diego’s Bob Sale

 Bob Sale, a Canadian drummer living in San Diego, kindly posted a review of Public Policy Hooligan on Amazon yesterday: Memoirs of A(nother) Superfluous Man  It’s always a joy and personally helpful to read the memoirs and realization of the imperative for individual liberty from someone who’s been at the center of the storm. Such […]

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Voting Rights as Bogus Panaceas

From the Future of Freedom Foundation (October 2013) VOTING RIGHTS AS BOGUS PANACEAS by James Bovard The Supreme Court struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act last June. “Liberals” were horrified and reacted as if the Civil War had been fought in vain. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg denounced the decision for […]

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Hillary Clinton’s Legacy: Democracy in Egypt

A front page Washington Post piece revealed today that Hillary Clinton is racing to finish her memoir so that she can define her legacy in time for her 2016 presidential run. Shortly after Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, she promised to reform foreign aid. Egypt has gotten billions of aid in the meantime – […]

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MP3 of Today’s Ernie Hancock Interview on Freedom & Its Enemies

Ernie Hancock was at his dynamic best for this morning’s show.  It is always a mistake to drink decaf before going on the air with Ernie.   I appreciate his hearty laugh and his boundless faith in human nature – at least of non-government workers or politicians. As we were talking about what life influences […]

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