Tag Archives | donald trump

USA TODAY: End Democracy Promotion Balderdash

USA Today, August 10, 2017 Hey, guess what? Donald Trump has a good foreign policy idea by James Bovard Let’s get our own house in order before we start imposing democracy on others. The Trump administration’s foreign policy often resembles a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party or a loose cannon on a ship deck. But every […]

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USA Today: Syria is Trump’s Biggest Foreign Folly

USA Today, June 26, 2017 Donald Trump is reckless on Syria. It’s his most dangerous foreign policy folly. by James Bovard, Opinion columnist  Trump said Obama’s ‘horrendous leadership’ on Syria could start World War III. He’s made things even worse. Last year on the campaign trail, crowds roared when Donald Trump denounced his opponent as […]

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Comey vs. Trump: The Credibility Illusion

  Comey boasts that the FBI "is, and always will be, independent" & then details how he kowtowed to AG Lynch on downplaying Clinton email case — James Bovard (@JimBovard) June 9, 2017 Media portrays Comey vs. Trump battle as question of credibility. Why assume either one is trustworthy? — James Bovard (@JimBovard) June 9, […]

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USA Today: Food Stamps are a Dietary Disaster

USA TODAY, June 1, 2017 Donald Trump’s budget slashes government junk food pipeline to the poor by James Bovard Food stamps foolishly fuel diabetes and obesity Perhaps the most controversial element of the Trump administration’s budget is the proposal to reduce food stamp spending by 25% or $193 billion over the next decade. Forty-four million people […]

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Raising Hell with Ernie Hancock on Liberty Radio Network

FreedomsPhoenix mastermind Ernie Hancock and I had a rollicking time reviewing Trump’s record this morn.  It is always fun to go on Ernie’s show on Liberty Radio Network – especially when my moderate tendencies need scourging.  Ernie and I agreed on the outrageous missile strike on Syria (I said the U.S. government was acting like […]

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MP3 of Brian Wilson interview on Trump, Deep State, Terror Buffoonery, Etc.

Talk show legend Brian Wilson interviewed me yesterday for his Libertas Media Project. This is also posted at LibertyNation, which is now featuring Brian’s podcasts. Here’s his summary: “Author James Bovard (Freedom in Chains, Lost Rights, Attention Deficit Democracy) joins us for an overview of the good, bad and ugly early days of the Trump […]

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