Mises Institute, November 20, 2017 The Daily Hell of Life in the Soviet Bloc by James Bovard This month is the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party’s seizure of power in Petrograd, Russia. British Guardian columnist Paul Mason recent declared that the Soviet revolution provided “a beacon to the rest of humanity, no matter how […]
Tag Archives | Economics

MP3 – The End of Govt. Waste? North Carolina Radio
WTKF host Lockwood Phillips and I had a lively 15 minute chat last night about the U.S. News article on government waste. The interview concludes with Lockwood asking me, “Congress can bring back to life anything, can’t it?” “Except the Bill of Rights,” I replied. Here’s the MP3 of this broadcast out of Morehead City, […]

Economic Suicide: Federal Reserve Destroys the Dollar
From today’s interview with Press TV. Their journalist caught me early in the day before I had done any cussing, so I probably wasn’t as caustic as I should have been. ****** Experts are correct in blaming the US Federal Reserve’s policies for a nosedive that the US dollar has taken in value, says an […]
MP3 – WHO’s Jan Mickelson Labels Me a “Thorn in the Side of Contentment”
In our rowdy interview this morning, Jan Mickelson – on WHO in Des Moines and the top radio host in Iowa – called me a “a thorn in the side of contentment.” I said that phrase summarizes my life pretty well. Jan has the heartiest laugh of any talk show host I know. And since […]
USA TODAY: Abolish the Sugar Program
USA TODAY, August 12, 2015 Rubio’s sweet but wasted bravery by James Bovard Fighting to kill jobs won’t win election America would be more prosperous if not a single sugar beet or sugar cane were grown anywhere in the United States because bankrolling sugar production in Florida makes as little sense as growing bananas in […]

MP3 of Public Policy Hooligan & Tom Woods Show
Bestselling author Tom Woods invited me back on his program to discuss Public Policy Hooligan: Rollicking and Wrangling from Helltown to Washington. Here is the link to the interview on Tom’s excellent site. Tom called the book “wonderful” and kindly commented: “There are so many things in Public Policy Hooligan that you guys would love […]

FFF: Know-Nothing Democracy on Capitol Hill
Future of Freedom, March 2015 (posted 5/22/15) Know-Nothing Democracy on Capitol Hill by James Bovard “You can lead a man to Congress but you can’t make him think,” quipped Milton Berle in 1950. Last December’s congressional approval of the 1,603-page, $1.1 trillion omnibus bill (known as “Cromnibus,” because it was also a Continuing Resolution) also […]