Tag Archives | Elective Dictatorship


FFF: Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the following article from the June issue of the Future of Freedom – The Supreme Court’s Dreadful Record on Constitutional Rights by James Bovard The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the legality of the Affordable Care Act this past March. Several justices questioned whether a ruling […]

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MP3 – Appalachian Thru Hiker Hoopla

Talk show legend Brian Wilson and I had a rowdy chat today on his Libertas Media Project podcast on the Midsummer Shakespeare Brawl, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and whether the  American political system is beyond hope. Since Brian is aware that I’ve been doing a little hiking, he asked about a recent story about hikers in […]

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King John Butchered Authors of Magna Charta

… or at least he tried to butcher them.  On this day 800 years ago, King John was compelled to sign Magna Charta, formally accepting a limit to his prerogative to ravage everything in England.  But the ink on his signature was barely dry before he brought in foreign forces and tried to wipe out […]

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MP3 of Elective Dictatorship Interview on Al Korelin Show

I had a jovial chat with Al Korelin, the host of the hardline Korelin Economic Report, in his weekend report on the debility of contemporary democracy.  Here are a few of my comments: *”The system that we now have is an elective dictatorship in which the president can dictate almost as much as he pleases and […]

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Counterpunch: Americans’ Fatal Freedom Apathy

 COUNTERPUNCH, January 28, 2015 Surrendering Liberty America’s Fatal Freedom Apathy by JAMES BOVARD According to our civic folklore, Americans are more devoted to freedom than any other nationality on earth.   But it is increasingly appears that this dogma is a relic of bygone times. A Gallup poll last July asked a thousand Americans: “Are you […]

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Senate Torture Report – My Initial Two Cents+

I have not finished reading the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA torture.  Following are some of my initial thoughts via Twitter @jimbovard – #TortureReport CIA interrogators often did not speak the language of detainees so they compensated by beating hell out of them — James Bovard (@JimBovard) December 11, 2014 #TortureReport With all the […]

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Germans Recognize Danger of U.S. Surveillance

  Germans instinctively understand the danger of government surveillance far better than do many Americans.  (Or at least far better than Obama apologists.) This photograph is from a recent anti-Obama rally in Hanover – one of my favorite German cities. The “V for Vendetta” mask is especially appropriate.  

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