Tag Archives | entrapment

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Playboy: Ken Starr’s Greatest Hits Against the Constitution

President Trump added former Special Counsel Ken Starr to his legal team for his Senate impeachment trial.  Starr is idolized by some conservatives but when he was Solicitor General for President George H.W. Bush, he championed some of the worst civil liberties abuses in modern times. Here’s my 1999 Playboy piece on his forgotten record. […]

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Lost Rights 1994 Radio Interview

Here’s a remastered (?) interview from April 1994 just after the publication of Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty.  With legendary talk show host Fred Fiske, one of the most decent & talented radio hosts who I ever met.   Fred knew how to draw out my rowdy laugh.

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Forgotten FBI Anti-Terrorism Entrapment Debacles

The owner of the limousine company that killed 20 people in New York last weekend was an FBI informant who helped carry out two big entrapment operations against Muslims after 9/11. Prior to being recruited by the FBI, he was caught helping people cheat on DMV tests.  Before that, he was arrested for murder in […]

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My July 4, 1996 Hell-Raising Libertarian Convention Speech

On July 4 twenty-two years ago, I riled up folks at the Libertarian National Convention.  I talked about the EEOC’s war on Hooters, House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s pig paranoia, zoning idiocy, and other boondoggles. Commenting on a recent idiotic asset forfeiture decision, I noted, “The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court did not explain the equivalency of piracy […]

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Claire Wolfe’s Hot New Resistance Book

My ol’ pal Claire Wolfe has a new book, The Basics of Resistance: The Practical Freedomista. Claire has been on the cutting edge of freedom hell-raising since her 1996 bestseller, 101 Things to do ‘Til the Revolution – a work that rightly captured capture a generation of fans for her. Her latest work is co-authored […]

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USA Today: Time to Dethrone the FBI

USA Today, May 11, 2017 Comey firing justly knocks FBI off its pedestal by James Bovard It’s a historically untrustworthy secret organization that needs to live under rule of law. President Trump’s firing of FBI chief James Comey provides a welcome chance to dethrone the FBI from its pinnacle in American politics and life. Last […]

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