Tag Archives | FOIA


Latest Debacles Prove Need for Sweeping FBI Investigation

Former FBI chief James Comey told a congressional committee last Friday:  “Anybody that thinks we were on team Clinton trying to cut her a break is smoking something.” But the Justice Department Inspector General report proved that Comey and his FBI colleagues kowtowed shamelessly to the Clinton machine. The FBI’s perversion of justice in the […]

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Podcast: The “Truth Will Out” Political Fairy Tale

“Truth will out” is the biggest political fairy tale. As an investigative journalist, I have fought federal agencies for decades to squeeze out the details of boondoggles and atrocities. Unfortunately, most government coverups succeed. But there is no such thing as retroactive self-government. As Attorney General Ramsey Clark declared in 1967, “Nothing so diminishes democracy […]

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The Hill: In Washington, the Truth has Refugee Status

The Hill In Washington, the truth has refugee status By James Bovard, opinion contributor — 08/21/18 04:30 PM EDT 0 “Truth isn’t truth,” declared Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, on Meet the Press on Sunday. Giuliani’s comment — the weirdest absolution yet proffered for Trump — is the “Trump era’s epitaph,” according to a Washington Post columnist. But truth really […]

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USA Today: Inspector General Report Shows Secrecy Threatens Democracy

USA TODAY, June 15, 2018 Inspector general’s report on FBI and Clinton’s emails shows secrecy threatens democracy James Bovard, Opinion columnist The 500-page inspector general’s report released Thursday reveals how unjustified secrecy and poor decisions helped ravage the credibility of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the FBI. Yesterday’s Inspector General report on the FBI’s […]

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The Hill: Washington secrecy is creating a know-nothing democracy

The Hill, May 9, 2017 Washington secrecy is creating a know-nothing democracy by James Bovard Washington may be more secretive nowadays than at any time in recent decades. Federal policymakers have become accustomed to rationing what they release while citizens are assured that official secrecy makes them more secure. But American democracy cannot survive perpetual […]

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obama image from usa today jpb piece 1 07 2017

USA TODAY: Trump Must Expose Obama-Era Power Grabs

USA TODAY: Trump must expose Obama-era power grabs: Column By James Bovard, January 6, 2017 Opening the books on the outgoing administration would be a booster shot for democracy. President-elect Donald Trump will face pervasive doubts about his legitimacy from the day he takes office. His opponents will likely portray him as governing in unprecedented […]

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