This Tom Toles’ cartoon from the Wash. Post nicely captures the latest election absurdities in Egypt. We don’t have ancient pyramids in this country, but the ruling class is similarly imposing layer after layer of BS on elections. Many Americans already believe that we have an “unknown democracy.” How many absurdities can a democratic system […]
Tag Archives | foreign aid
Did Egypt Adapt the FBI/Waco Model of Justice?
The New York Times reports today: “A criminal court here sentenced 529 people to death on Monday after a single session of their mass trial, convicting them of murder for the killing of a police officer in the city of Minya during riots after the ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim […]
Latest Foreign Aid Fiasco: Afghanistan’s Killer Roads
Going back nigh 30 years, I have always been deeply pained when people accuse me of being cynical about U.S. foreign aid. At least my breakfast was nicely spiced this morning by a Washington Post front page story – “After billions in U.S. investment, Afghan roads are falling apart.” The highways that the U.S. spent billions […]
Hillary Clinton’s Legacy: Democracy in Egypt
A front page Washington Post piece revealed today that Hillary Clinton is racing to finish her memoir so that she can define her legacy in time for her 2016 presidential run. Shortly after Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, she promised to reform foreign aid. Egypt has gotten billions of aid in the meantime – […]
Our Foreign Aid & Obama’s Drone License to Kill
Here’s a refutation to those cynics who claim that America gets no benefit from our foreign aid payoffs – (cartoon by Heng from the New York Times) And here’s another jibe at drones from Saturday’s Stop Watching Us rally in Washington –
Foreign Aid Breeds Hatred in Egypt
On the bright side, at least Egyptians know the name of the U.S. Ambassador (Anne Patterson). Maybe if we doubled our foreign aid, they would take down at least one of those signs. I have been railing against foreign aid since… hell…. since way back when my beard was red. Here’s a 2011 piece […]

Wall Street Journal Publishes Food for Peace Retort
Responding to my piece last week – in tomorrow’s Letters to the Editor in the Wall Street Journal – Food for Peace is an international aid program that has been successful domestically and abroad since its inception in 1954 (“How ‘Food for Peace’ Hurts Foreign Farmers” by James Bovard, op-ed, April 30). It has fed the […]