Tag Archives | impunity


N.Y. Post: Biden – “Vote for Me or the Constitution Dies”

New York Post, July 3, 2024 Biden’s Supreme Court outburst revealed the falsehoods at the heart of his presidency by James Bovard “Vote for me or the Constitution dies” is President Biden’s latest pitch to revive his faltering re-election campaign.  In four minutes of remarks Monday evening, he condemned a Supreme Court decision while signaling […]

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N.Y. Post: Hunter Biden verdict shatters family’s myth of legal invincibility, endangering Joe

New York Post, June 12, 2024 Hunter Biden verdict shatters family’s myth of legal invincibility, endangering Joe by James Bovard President Biden’s re-election campaign was hit by a torpedo Tuesday when a Delaware jury convicted his son Hunter on three felony charges. Ironically, the political fate of the most anti-gun president in American history could […]

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lemp better shot Screenshot 2021-01-11 174155

Militarized Cops by Duncan Lemp’s Corpse

Here’s a photo of Montgomery County MD SWAT team members standing by the covered corpse of Duncan Lemp, killed minutes earlier when a SWAT officer shot him 5 times through his bedroom window. This is a police video made shortly after the killing – no video exists of Duncan’s death. Thanks to Judicial Watch lawsuit […]

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Gerald Ford and the Perversion of Presidential Pardons

American Conservative, December 29, 2020 Gerald Ford and the Perversion of Presidential Pardons by James Bovard In pardoning Nixon, the 38th president opened the floodgates to boundless executive power. In his final weeks in office, President Donald Trump is outraging the media and many critics with deluges of dubious pardons. Last Tuesday was “No Corrupt […]

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