Tag Archives | Iraq

Obama’s Great Syrian Bombing Scam

Obama loves to preen as if he is spreading peace, freedom, and democracy with his bombs.  But there is no reason to presume that bombing Syria is not as idiotic as it appears. Thus far, the Establishment media is largely playing a lapdog role. A Washington Post headline today proclaims: “Obama the reluctant warrior, cautiously […]

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Podcast with Brian Wilson on Syria, Iraq, and Damn Political Rascals

Libertarian talk show hellraiser Brian Wilson had me on his Libertas Media Project show yesterday and the podcast is now live online.  We had fun paying respects to Obama, expressing “shock and awe” over the president’s ISIS solution, and feigning wonderment at the continued conning of the American people. You can listen to the show by […]

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Cartoon Obliterates Obama’s War on ISIS Fantasy

Obama’s “war” against ISIS has as much chance of succeeding as he has of finding unicorns to join his anti-ISIS “coalition.” Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles beautifully captures the absurd premise underlying Obama’s latest war.   Perhaps most of the members of the House of Representatives who voted to support the “war” yesterday are simply clueless about the […]

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Obama Reincarnates Nixon in Hustling a “Used War”

I recall how my liberal friends assured me in 2008 that Obama would launch a brave new era in American politics. As Obama unleashes the bombs on Iraq and on Syria, we are back to the same pointless killing that defined the George W. Bush administration.  I hope that more of the folks who courageously […]

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Bombing Syria: Still Crazier Than Hell

I am appalled to see the Obama administration charging blindly and dragging America into another war in Syria.  ISIS looks like a bunch of prize bastards but that is pretty much par for that part of the world.  I have seen no evidence that selective U.S. bombing will beget a new Garden of Eden in that […]

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Obama Foreign Policy Maxim Actually Not Bad

According to Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration’s guiding maxim for foreign policy was “Don’t do stupid shit.” But if that was their lodestar, why did they ever hire Hillary as Secretary of State? Hillary would also have been disqualified for that job if the Obama team relied on Google’s (former) motto: “Don’t be evil.” If the […]

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Obama Bombs Iraq to Mark Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Anniversary

  This week is the 50th anniversary of the infamous Gulf of Tonkin anniversary.  Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and President Johnson conned Congress into giving a blank check for war. Politicians have been lying the nation into war ever since (and before, for that matter).  President Obama yesterday announced that he was ordering bombing attacks […]

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