Tag Archives | mp3

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 22-58-50 Jim Bovard - The Shaun Thompson Show

Pummeling Politicians, Psychiatrists, Etc. on Chicago Radio MP3

Shaun Thompson and I whupped a bunch of politicians, psychiatrists, and other rascals tonight on his program on  Chicago’s The Answer AM 560.  Shaun, the host of the Liberty Hour program, mentioned seeing drug advertisements on Chicago TV that always end with a high speed list of side effects. I mentioned that a dentist had […]

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brian wilson podcast illustration

Comic Relief on Journalism, Bidenflation and Censorship on the Brian Wilson Podcast

“Unmoderated Content! What you expect from the Two and Only! The Unequivocal Brian Wilson and Inexplicable Jim Bovard whacking at journalism, censorship and Bidenflation!” Good to hear that Brian’s robust rebound from surgery continues. You can download or listen to the show by clicking here: https://brianwilsonwrites.substack.com/p/the-two-and-only-brian-wilson-and-867 Subscribe to the Brian Wilson Writes Substack by clicking […]

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Bashing Congress on Salt Lake City Radio MP3

 Rod Arquette and I had fun thrashing the pity party for congressional pay on his show on KNRS radio in Salt Lake City.  I appreciated Rod’s quick wit and his healthy disdain for Washington. (I should get back to Utah!) Here’s the New York Post article on congressional pay that spurred the interview. You can […]

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shaun thompson chicago radio 1200x630bb-1

Talking Last Rights with Chicago Radio’s Shaun Thompson

Shaun Thompson and I whupped a bunch of politicians and federal agencies this evening on Chicago’s The Answer AM 560.  Shaun, the host of the Liberty Hour program, mentioned that he first read my articles in Playboy though I never thought I compete against the Playmate of the Month. Shaun was aghast at Biden’s waiver […]

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