Tag Archives | mp3

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MP3 of WABC Rudy Giuliani Interview on FBI Racketeering

Here’s the MP3 of my interview today on WABC radio in New York. Rudy Giuliani and I had fun smacking the FBI for trying to rig the 2016 election, and I added some jibes on Ruby Ridge & FISA racketeering You can listen here – https://wabcradio.com/episode/james-bovard-05-16-23/ or tap the Mp3 here

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Thumping Biden’s Mortgage Madness on WMAL Washington Talk Radio

I was on WMAL Washington radio yesterday with Larry O’Connor to pummel Biden’s mortgage mandate madness.  He liked my line: “The easiest way to ruin somebody’s life is to give them a mortgage they can’t afford.”  The furor over this policy is spurring House Republicans to seek to block the Biden administration’s boneheaded “reform.” Here’s […]

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shaun thompson chicago radio 1200x630bb-1

Trouncing Big Government with Shaun Thompson on Chicago Radio

Shaun Thompson and I had a rollicking chat tonight on Chicago’s The Answer AM 560, making it hot for corrupt politicians from both parties. Shaun is the host of the Liberty Hour and he recognizes that both Democrats and Republicans are vexing this nation.  Shaun asked me why FBI chief Chris Wray went to the […]

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Screenshot 2022-12-27 at 15-19-59 USA Today's James Bovard offers some Comic relief on the Omnibus Boondoggles - Chicago's Morning Answer with Dan Proft & Amy Jacobson

Year-End Thrashing of Congress on Chicago Radio MP3

I was on Chicago’s Morning Answer radio show this morn to thrash Congress and that durn Omnibus bill.  Guest host Ray Stevens and I had fun target-shooting at the various boondoggles in that bill.  “Contempt of Congress” is a civic duty, not a crime. Show was spurred by New York Post piece, Taxpayers feel the […]

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Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 08-33-04 Something Completely Different With Brian Wilson on Apple Podcasts

Mid-Term Post-Mortem on the Brian Wilson Podcast

Talk Show Legend Brian Wilson and I had too much fun bantering about the mid-term election results.  Our faith in democracy is fully restored, or at least it remains the same as it was pre-election.  Brian has been a friend for almost 30 years and he works valiantly to protect me against my shameless deference […]

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shaun thompson chicago radio 1200x630bb-1

Thrashing Know-Nothing Politicians with Shaun Thompson on Chicago Radio

Shaun Thompson and I had a rollicking chat today on Chicago’s The Answer AM 560, thrashing politicians across the board.  No prisoners were taken. Shaun mentioned that politicians don’t bother reading the thick legislative bills they enact.  I quoted Milton Berle’s great line – “You can send a man to Congress but you can’t make […]

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