Tag Archives | piety

religious-mosaicfrom public domain pictures

End Rent-a-Halo Bullshit: Separate Piety and Politics

End Rent-a-Halo Bullshit: Separate Piety and Politics by James Bovard, May 31, 2024 Facebook Twitter Reddit Email The First Amendment of the Constitution specifies, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” In Washington, the “free exercise thereof” perennially includes politicians exploiting religion to sanctify themselves and […]

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comey portrait from brookings flickr page labeled OK for reuse

USA Today: The Corrupt Cop the Media Painted as a Savior

USA Today, August 30, 2019 You may have seen him on a prayer candle, but James Comey is no saint by James Bovard New revelations have made clear the conclusion many of us had already come to: James Comey was a reckless and untrustworthy FBI director. Since President Trump fired FBI director James Comey in […]

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MP3 – Appalachian Thru Hiker Hoopla

Talk show legend Brian Wilson and I had a rowdy chat today on his Libertas Media Project podcast on the Midsummer Shakespeare Brawl, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and whether the  American political system is beyond hope. Since Brian is aware that I’ve been doing a little hiking, he asked about a recent story about hikers in […]

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