By popular demand – well, at least
Tag Archives | Police
Friends of Police Object to Article on Shootings by Police
To my dismay, not everyone agreed with yesterday’s article in the Washington Times. The Times printed a letter today by a policeman who believed that lawmen deserve special privileges after they shoot citizens: I was really disappointed after reading “Let’s start by controlling police gun violence” by Jim Bovard (Commentary, Monday). Apparently Mr. Bovard’s qualifications […]
“Police Are Out of Control…”
My two cents on police brutality, from an interview yesterday on police brutality with Press TV Bovard: “Police are often out of control and local governments do a very poor job of protecting people from their protectors. Almost across the board, you have law enforcement officers who don’t feel obliged to obey the law.” Bovard: […]
Patriot Act Poster from ACLU
Great stuff from the American Civil Liberties Union!
Good Government Guns? Time to Disarm G-Men?
After listening to the media chatter about the evil of private guns for the past week, I couldn’t resist reposting this satire published by the Los Angeles Times in the wake of Janet Reno’s raid to nab Elian Gonzalez. The piece generated some very hostile letters to the editor, reprinted below. Los Angeles Times May […]
Prince George’s Police Latest Scandal: Too Stupid to Cheat
[UPDATED BELOW] The Washington Post has another horror story on the PG Police. The Prince George’s County Police Academy apparently had a system of organized cheating for trainees that was so obvious that even the auditors noticed. (When an entire class gets perfect grades on a whole slew of tests, that’s a clue). When some […]