Tag Archives | recycling


Politicians’ COVID Mania Ravages Maryland

Mises Institute, May 28, 2020 Politicians’ COVID Mania Ravages Maryland by James Bovard Lea esto en Español  by James Bovard Maryland politicians have destroyed more than four hundred thousand jobs in dictatorial responses purporting to thwart the coronavirus pandemic. “Nearly one in five Maryland workers have filed for unemployment” compensation, theBaltimore Sun reported. The situation […]

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Pandemic Security Theater: Liberal Maryland Politicians Betray Grocery Store Workers

American Conservative, April 25, 2020 County Puts Bag Recycling Before Grocery Workers’ Health A liberal Maryland municipality caved to environmentalists and is sustaining a tax on single use plastic bags amid COVID. by James Bovard Politicians nowadays are shutting down everything except their own virtue signaling. The COVID-19 pandemic is spurring restrictions and lockdowns across […]

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