I don’t want to sound like a teetotaler – or, worse, a prohibitionist – but I think we can agree that if you are so drunk that you crash a government car into a security barrier next to the White house, you probably over-imbibed. After the latest debacle, the Secret Service is going to […]
Tag Archives | Sovereign immunity

Wash. Times: Saving ObamaCare with Supreme Hypocrisy?
Washington Times, March 12, 2015 Saving Obamacare with supreme hypocrisy By James Bovard – March 12, 2015 Justices fret over coercing states while endlessly menacing individuals At last week’s Supreme Court oral arguments on the Affordable Care Act, several justices questioned whether a verdict against Obamacare would be “unconstitutionally coercive” to state governments that did […]

Counterpunch: Eric Holder, Patron Saint of Killer Cops
COUNTERPUNCH, February 23, 2015 Eric Holder, Patron Saint of Killer Cops by JAMES BOVARD Attorney General Eric Holder is collecting buckets of accolades in his final weeks in office. Newspapers are especially praising Holder’s suggestion that the feds begin keeping tabs on shootings by police across the nation. But Holder’s own career shows his devotion […]

Anarchy, Regicide, & Beer: Another Brian Wilson Podcast
Brian Wilson and I had a rowdy chat on his Libertas Media Podcast this afternoon. After his great opening bit, I didn’t have the heart to tell Brian that Raging Bitch is no longer my favorite beer. After a discussion of Freedom in Chains and a foray into the Shenandoah Valley for “redneck ethnic cleansing,” […]
USA Today: Eric Holder’s Lawless Legacy
USA Today, February 3, 2015 Eric Holder’s lawless legacy by James Bovard As Holder retires, Obama’s attorney general bulldog should be vilified, not praised Eric Holder is reaping applause as his six-year reign as Attorney General comes to a close. But Holder’s record is profoundly disappointing to anyone who expected the Obama administration to renounce […]

Freeman: Government as Slaveowner (2000)
UPDATE: Here are some perhaps improved versions of a few lines in the following essay (thanks to Twitter space limits): Government worship tautology: because government has almost boundless power, it is presumably the source of all rights. *A good definition of liberty must provide a barricade that 10,000 federal agents cannot breach. *Tax burdens are […]

Bill of Rights Day Our Anti-Politician Day
Make Bill of Rights Day America’s Anti-Politician Day by James Bovard Today is the 223rd anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights — the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Bill of Rights Day should be the preeminent Anti-Politician Day on the American calendar. Instead, it has become simply another pretext for rulers […]