Tag Archives | Sovereign immunity

MP3 of TSA Bashing Podcast with Tom Woods

Bestselling author Tom Woods and I had fun shellacking the Transportation Security Administration in a podcast he posted online today.  Tom does some of the best and most thought-provoking podcasts on the Internet and I appreciated him having me on his show. The interview was spurred by a piece I did for USA Today after […]

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King John Butchered Authors of Magna Charta

… or at least he tried to butcher them.  On this day 800 years ago, King John was compelled to sign Magna Charta, formally accepting a limit to his prerogative to ravage everything in England.  But the ink on his signature was barely dry before he brought in foreign forces and tried to wipe out […]

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TSA: Full Employment for Nitwits?

 We learned this week that undercover Inspector General testers managed to smuggle fake weapons and bombs past TSA screeners in 95% of their attempts. The worst part of this scandal is that it will make it more difficult for Obama and his Washington media lackeys to restore faith in government. The Washington Post had a […]

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Wild Idealists on Baltimore Streets

Lots of protestors marching in Baltimore today. It is good to see charges filed against the police involved in Freddie Gray’s death. But some of these protestors are wildly idealist. The t-shirt apparently says, “Most Kings get their Heads Cut Off.” It has been 40 years since a governor of Maryland was sent to prison, […]

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MP3 of Scott Horton Waco Anniversary Interview

The main lesson that Washington policymakers drew from the Waco debacle is : Truth delayed is truth defused. Scott Horton and I discussed the anniversary of the final federal assault at Waco on his talk show last Friday. Scott has done annual Waco show ever since he went on the air in 1999. Here’s a […]

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USA Today: My Devil’s Dictionary

USA TODAY    April 13, 2015 Tax-time devil’s dictionary of DC lingo by James Bovard Having trouble with the ‘Washingtonese’ around April 15? Look no further for a translation. April 15 is the day each year when Americans are most likely to slander Washington. Unfortunately, the city’s nebulous nomenclature deters citizens from recognizing exactly how well […]

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