Tag Archives | syria


The Barf That Busted the New World Order (1992)

            I wrote this piece just after the 1992 election. I submitted it to the Washington Times but, alas, it failed to pass their propriety test.  So here it is, better late than never….   Alternative headline: “The Heave That Changed History.” *** THE BARF THAT BUSTED THE NEW WORLD ORDER […]

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Former President Barack Obama hugs Vice President Kamala Harris during an Affordable Care Act event with President Joe Biden, Tuesday, April 5, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Will Kamala Make Idealism Great Again?

Counterpunch, August 29, 2024 Will Kamala Make Idealism Great Again? by James Bovard As the presidential race enters the final stretch, politicians are recycling the usual scams to make people believe this election will be different. At last week’s Democratic National Convention, idealism had a starring role, accompanied by ritual denunciations of cynicism. But idealism […]

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Kamala and the Deadly Perils of Sham Idealism

Kamala and the Deadly Perils of Sham Idealism by James Bovard As the presidential race enters the final stretch, politicians are recycling the usual cons to make people believe this election will be different. At last week’s Democratic National Convention, sham idealism had a starring role, accompanied by ritual denunciations of cynicism. But idealism has […]

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N.Y. Post: Fauci’s FOIA Follies Show Faux Transparency in DC

New York Post, May 29, 2024 Fauci’s FOIA follies show ‘transparency’ in Washington has always been a fraud by James Bovard Republican congressional investigators are exposing brazen COVID cover-ups by the National Institutes for Health and top aides to Anthony Fauci. Bureaucrats have dodged complying with the Freedom of Information Act — a law meant […]

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Biden’s Atrocious Assange Prosecution

Biden’s Atrocious Assange Prosecution by James Bovard April 17, 2023 “A confident government that is unafraid of the truth embraces a free press,” proclaimed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. But he was referring only to the Chinese government crackdown on Hong Kong journalists early last year. Unfortunately, the Biden administration continues rushing to destroy one […]

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On the Ground at DC’s Pro-Assange Protest

LIBERTARIAN INSTITUTE, October 10  2022 On the Ground at DC’s Pro-Assange Protest by Jim Bovard | On Saturday, protests supporting freedom for Julian Assange erupted around the world. In London, 7,000 protestors linked hands to surround the Parliament building, demanding that the United Kingdom not extradite Assange to the United States for a show trial. […]

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Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy

Mises Institute, October 7, 2022 Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy by James Bovard On Saturday, protests supporting Julian Assange will occur around the world. In London, Assange supporters will link arms around the parliament building. Protests will also occur outside the Justice Department headquarters in Washington (I’ll be one of the speakers), D.C., and […]

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