Tag Archives | syria


The Deep State Defeat of Donald Trump

The Deep State Defeat of Donald Trump by James Bovard June 23, 2021 “The Trump–Deep State clash is a showdown between a presidency that is far too powerful versus federal agencies that have become fiefdoms with immunity for almost any and all abuses,” I wrote in an FFF article a year ago. Since then, Donald […]

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The Lies Aren’t Secret – Deep State Triumphant

American Conservative, February 24, 2021 Home/Articles/Politics/The Lies Aren’t Secret Politics The Lies Aren’t Secret by James Bovard Thanks to friendly courts, the Deep State continues to avoid accountability, triumphant at home and abroad. (By Lightspring/Shutterstock) Secrecy is the ultimate  entitlement program for the Deep State. The federal government is creating trillions of pages of new […]

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syria missile launch photo provided by US Navy copyrigh tsafe 677988-syria

Consortium News: Declassify Syria Secrets to Stop Biden War

Consortium News, November 25, 2020 Declassify America’s Dirty Secrets in Syria to Stop a Biden War November 25, 2020 Save Jim Bovard urges Trump to open the files to provide activism ammo for the vast numbers of Americans who vehemently oppose forever  wars.  Sen. Kamala Harris, at left, accepts the Democratic Party’s nomination as vice president, Wilmington, […]

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Counterpunch: How Many Syrians Did You Vote to Kill?

How many Syrians did you vote to kill on Election Day? Biden's nominees for Secretary of State & National Security Advisor favored killing far more Syrians during Obama's presidency. https://t.co/GJ30NRuI3j — James Bovard (@JimBovard) November 25, 2020 Counterpunch, November 25, 2020 How Many Syrians Did You Vote to Kill? by James Bovard Facebook Twitter Reddit […]

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How Many Syrians Did You Vote to Kill?

American Conservative, November 19, 2020 Declassify America’s Dirty Secrets in Syria to Stop a Biden War | Jim Bovard Opening incriminating documents from the conflict up to the public could discourage Biden from escalating America’s role. by How many Syrians did you vote to kill on Election Day? Thanks to our perverse political system, the […]

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Can Ending ‘Endless Wars’ Save Trump’s Presidency?

Daily Caller / American Renewal Can Ending ‘Endless Wars’ Save Trump’s Presidency? Photo by SugaBom86/Shutterstock; Edits by Grae Stafford/DCNF James Bovard Contributor August 13, 2020 9:09 PM ET Four years ago, Donald Trump electrified campaign audiences by denouncing “Trigger Happy Hillary” Clinton. Trump bragged in 2016 that his advisers knew “how to avoid the endless […]

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50 Years of Unhinged Presidential Televised Warmongering

Libertarian Institute, May 4, 2020 50 Years Of Unhinged, Televised Presidential Warmongering by Jim Bovard Fifty years ago, President Richard Nixon popped up on national television on a Thursday night to proudly announce that he invaded Cambodia. At that time, Nixon was selling himself as a peacemaker, promising to withdraw U.S. troops from the Vietnam […]

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