Tag Archives | Torture

Bravo Rand Paul – the only ‘No’ vote for new FBI Chief

Sen. Rand Paul was the only senator to vote against confirming James Comey as the new FBI director.  The final vote was 93 to 1 – so nobody was crowding Rand on the high ground. As the ACLU noted last month, “While Comey deserves credit for stopping an illegal spying program in dramatic fashion, he […]

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My Time in the Tower of London 2006

Musing how Bush’s war on terror and invasion of Iraq ten years ago changed the world… Here’s one of my old fav pieces first published in 2006 by the Future of Freedom Foundation, supplemented with a few photos I took. When I visited the Tower of London, I was mesmerized by Traitor’s Gate. I wondered […]

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Obama’s Bogus Economic “Boom”

As President Obama’s reelection machine begins whooping up the economic recovery, we need to recognize the paucity of his achievements. From an interview this morning with Press TV: American people have lost their faith in the U.S. government even after President Barack Obama took office in early 2009, says James Bovard, policy advisor for The […]

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MP3 of Freedom Fest Panel Flogging the War on Terror

Jacob Hornberger, Sheldon Richman, and I had fun flogging the war on terror during a Freedom Fest panel earlier this month. Since I was the token moderate on the panel, I went third. I started out my riff (@ 20 minutes into the tape) talking about how a TSA agent at Baltimore went berserk over […]

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Bush, Torture, and the Rule of Law

from the March issue of Freedom Daily…. Bush, Torture, and the Rule of Law by James Bovard Last November, George W. Bush’s memoir, Decision Points, hit the streets. And Americans could see firsthand the former president bragging about ordering torture. Bush wrote that when he was requested to approve the CIA’s waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh […]

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Obama’s Torture Regime?

Spencer Ackerman of Wired has an excellent piece today on the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command’s secret jails in Afghanistan. Ackerman notes: Human rights groups have been sounding the alarm about these detention centers since 2009. Detainees who claim to have gone through the sites have told them about abuses inside the so-called “Black Jails” […]

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Video – My CPAC Patriot Act Bash (and Jacob Hornberger’s Speech)

FFF “Repeal the PATRIOT Act!” Roundtable from CPAC 2011 from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo. Here’s the video from Saturday’s CPAC forum, sponsored by Campaign for Liberty. Ivan Eland did an excellent job of moderating. My speech was probably about 15 minutes. Hornberger followed and gave the best speech I have ever seen […]

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