Tag Archives | Trump

Trump Fans Rush to Defend TSA Abuses

My USA Today oped yesterday,  “Thanksgiving travel: Trump’s holiday gift is more invasive airport security,”  enraged many Trump supporters and got me tagged as a pussy snowflake, part of the “HATE Trump agenda,” libtard, moron,  brain dead, clown, left wing bigot, dopey liberal, leftist loon, and “leader of the idiots.”  It is surprising to see how […]

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USA TODAY: TSA Even More Intrusive & Abusive Under Trump

USA TODAY, November 17, 2017 Thanksgiving travel: Trump’s holiday gift is more invasive airport security by James Bovard On the campaign trail last year, Donald Trump derided the Transportation Security Administration as a “total disaster.” But his administration is making TSA more intrusive and abusive while its 42,000 screeners remain as incompetent as ever. New TSA screening guidelines will likely make […]

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Hysterical Responses to Anti-Hysteria Op-ed

My Hill oped, “Do Trump’s liberal critics seem increasingly unhinged?,” has spurred more than 3000 comments on the Hill website,  where it was the most popular article mid-morning.  Here are some of the thoughtful feedback from readers, along with some humorous ones at the bottom.

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The Hill: Trump’s Liberal Critics Increasingly Unhinged?

The Hill, November 14, 2017 Do Trump’s liberal critics seem increasingly unhinged? By James Bovard, opinion contributor Last week’s anniversary of Trump’s election sparked widespread teeth-gnashing by the nation’s pundits.  Trump is supposedly the gravest threat to American democracy since the secession of the Confederacy. His presidency, probably, continues to be a boon for antidepressant […]

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USA TODAY: More Iron Fists to Save Democracy?

USA TODAY, November 8, 2017 Trump election anniversary and progressives’ delusional race to save democracy by James Bovard Some liberals think increasing government power will repair our broken civic life. But it would destroy the tattered remnants of federal legitimacy. Responding to the anniversary of Donald Trump’s election, The Washington Post Magazine presented “38 ideas for […]

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FFF: The FBI’s Forgotten Criminal Record

Future of Freedom Foundation The FBI’s Forgotten Criminal Record by James Bovard October 19, 2017 President Trump’s firing of FBI chief James Comey on May 9 spurred much of the media and many Democrats to rally around America’s most powerful domestic federal agency. But the FBI has a long record of both deceit and incompetence. […]

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USA Today: Trump as Dictator?

USA Today, October 18, 2017 Donald Trump didn’t create danger of presidential dictatorship, he inherited it by James Bovard Americans nowadays have a bad attitude towards presidents. Many people are denouncing Donald Trump as a dictator. But the real problem in this nation is the dictatorial illiteracy that has allowed modern presidents to commandeer far […]

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