Ernie Hancock and I had fun whupping up on the Democratic and Republican National Conventions on his FreedomsPhoenix / Liberty Radio Network radio show this morning. I was hoping that Ernie could explain how Trump and Hillary have redeemed the American political system but no suck luck. In the final third of the 54 minute […]
Tag Archives | Trump
MP3: Thumping Nitwit Protectionist Politicians on KMOX
KMOX host Mark Reardon and I had fun today discussing my USA Today article on Trump, Oreos, and our insane protectionist sugar regime. I appreciated the opportunity to flog Congress on the air in St. Louis. Mark has some of the best bumper music I’ve heard in a long time with nitwit sound bites from both […]
USA TODAY: Oreo and Trump’s Trade Policy Folly
USA TODAY, March 23, 2016 Oreo closure proof of losing Trump trade policy by James Bovard Trump’s ‘fair trade’ would deliver more ‘winners’ like sugar industry while American workers suffer. Presidential front-runner Donald Trump vows that he will “never eat another Oreo again” to protest the transfer of 600 cookie-making jobs from Chicago to Mexico. […]
GOP Slugfest – Saudis, Cigars, Treason, & Tweets
Damned unfortunate that Fox Business News blocked Rand Paul from the debate tonight in South Carolina. Here are Twitter messages as the candidates wrangled [ok, so the photo is a few months old – Carly didn’t make it to the main stage tonight but every other photo I considered was painfully dull] #GOPDebate Kasich: […]
MP3 – WHO’s Jan Mickelson Labels Me a “Thorn in the Side of Contentment”
In our rowdy interview this morning, Jan Mickelson – on WHO in Des Moines and the top radio host in Iowa – called me a “a thorn in the side of contentment.” I said that phrase summarizes my life pretty well. Jan has the heartiest laugh of any talk show host I know. And since […]