Tag Archives | Trump

tricky dick used carnage national lampoon book cover

Trump’s Afghanistan Speech: Hustling Used Carnage

  Trump’s speech on Afghanistan this evening reminded me of this book cover from the early 1970s.  This was probably some of the first political humor which I relished.  National Lampoon was much more reliable on Nixon’s foreign policy than was the Washington Post. Here is my running commentary via Facebook: So Trump will speak […]

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Syria protest banner

USA Today: Don’t Trust White House on Syria

I wrote the story below in September 2013, when the Obama White House was tottering on the verge of attacking the Syrian government.  The Trump White House deserves no more trust than Obama received on this topic.  Bombing Syria before hard facts are confirmed is for the U.S. government to act like an international lynch mob.  […]

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USA Today: Trump Budget Cuts Bankroll New Waste

USA TODAY, March 19, 2017 Trump budget cuts bankroll new waste by James Bovard  Trump proposes to devote almost all of the savings from cutting domestic programs into the Pentagon.  President Trump’s proposed budget takes a big step towards draining the swamp in Washington. This is the first time since the Reagan era that a […]

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America Needs Fewer Enemies, Not More Bombs

Here’s a revised version via Canva (an excellent design site) – America needs fewer enemies, not more bombs. Cut the saber rattling & the Pentagon budget. pic.twitter.com/LR9s7u8aFd — James Bovard (@JimBovard) February 28, 2017

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Will Trump’s Immigration Order Ban Congressmen from U.S.?

Trump’s immigration order closes the border to “those who do not support the Constitution.” So most congressmen will be prohibited from re-entering the U.S.? OK, so I’m a hopeless optimist. Also on Twitter – Trump's immigration order bans "those who do not support the Constitution." So most congressmen will be prohibited from re-entering the US? […]

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Anti-Trump Women’s March Photos 1/21/17

Here are pics I took  of some of the edgier signs  from today’s Women’s March, which had a much larger turnout than expected.   Some of the protestors seemed a bit testy.  Others are belatedly recognizing that the presidency has too much power. update: I have an Flickr album of other photos from the march posted […]

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MP3 of My Thumping Farm Subsidies on MetroFarm Radio

Michael Olson, the host of MetroFarm.com, and I had fun today thumping farm subsidies on his radio show this morning.  He seemed perhaps nonplussed at my call in the final minutes to abolish all subsidies and to strip power from politicians across the board. But what the heck – at least Brazilian cotton farmers will […]

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