Tag Archives | truth

Assange Is Free, But Feds’ War On Free Speech Continues

American Conservative, June 26, 2024 Assange Is Free, But Feds’ War On Free Speech Continues Unless we presume politicians have a divine right to deceive the governed, America should honor individuals who expose federal crimes. by James Bovard After 1,900 days locked away in Britain’s maximum-security Belmarsh prison, Julian Assange finally escaped this week and […]

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Ambrose Bierce’s Pro-Freedom Cynicism

Ambrose Bierce’s Pro-Freedom Cynicism by James Bovard The friends of freedom must recognize the verbal charades that sway people to surrender their rights and liberties. The political establishment and its media allies are continually abusing the English language to lull people into submission. From pupils being required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the […]

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The Decline of Knockdown Journalism

Somebody was asking about this piece recently so I’m sending it for another lap around the track (or at least the blog).  An editing error in the posted version stated that Hersh won the Pulitzer for his 1972 New Yorker article on the My Lai massacre.  My original submission correctly stated that Hersh won the […]

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Washington’s Biggest Fairy Tale: Truth Will Out

Washington’s Biggest Fairy Tale: “Truth Will Out” by James Bovard April 16, 2019 The arrest of Julian Assange has produced rapturous cheering from the American political elite. Hillary Clinton declared that Assange “must answer for what he has done.” Unfortunately, Assange’s arrest will do nothing to prevent the vast majority of conniving politicians and bureaucrats […]

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Other Damn Near Surly 2018 Quotes

Some folks responded to Wednesday’s blog post by caterwauling that I only write surly pieces.  So here’s a half dozen quotes from last year’s articles that showcase my positive thinking. Thanks to Canva.com and Pixabay for royalty-free software & images.

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Podcast: The “Truth Will Out” Political Fairy Tale

“Truth will out” is the biggest political fairy tale. As an investigative journalist, I have fought federal agencies for decades to squeeze out the details of boondoggles and atrocities. Unfortunately, most government coverups succeed. But there is no such thing as retroactive self-government. As Attorney General Ramsey Clark declared in 1967, “Nothing so diminishes democracy […]

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