Tag Archives | tyranny

King John Butchered Authors of Magna Charta

… or at least he tried to butcher them.  On this day 800 years ago, King John was compelled to sign Magna Charta, formally accepting a limit to his prerogative to ravage everything in England.  But the ink on his signature was barely dry before he brought in foreign forces and tried to wipe out […]

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Mises Inst.: The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train

The Mises Institute’s “The Austrian” Newsletter The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train by James Bovard Intellectuals have long been glorified as champions of truth and defenders of society’s highest values. But in Washington, they serve as Leviathan‘s Praetorian Guard. Intellectuals are thriving in DC thanks in large part to the ruinous policy advice they proffer. The […]

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FFF: Forgotten Civil War Atrocities Breed More Carnage

This is the 150th anniversary of General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox.  Many commentators are touting Lee’s surrender as a triumph for freedom.  While it was a great blessing that slavery ended, the Civil War set precedents for ignoring atrocities that continue to bedevil America.  Here’s a piece from the January issue of The Future of […]

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Wash. Times: Saving ObamaCare with Supreme Hypocrisy?

Washington Times, March 12, 2015 Saving Obamacare with supreme hypocrisy By James Bovard  – March 12, 2015 Justices fret over coercing states while endlessly menacing individuals At last week’s Supreme Court oral arguments on the Affordable Care Act, several justices questioned whether a verdict against Obamacare would be “unconstitutionally coercive” to state governments that did […]

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USA Today: Eric Holder’s Lawless Legacy

USA Today, February 3, 2015 Eric Holder’s lawless legacy by James Bovard As Holder retires, Obama’s attorney general bulldog should be vilified, not praised Eric Holder is reaping applause as his six-year reign as Attorney General comes to a close. But Holder’s record is profoundly disappointing to anyone who expected the Obama administration to renounce […]

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Military History Now: Sheridan’s Scorched Earth Campaign — The Union Army’s Forgotten War Crime

  Nathan Millet, the editor of MilitaryHistoryNow.com, today posted my article on Sheridan’s 1864 burning of the Shenandoah Valley. MilitaryHistoryNow.Com, February 2, 2015 Sheridan’s Scorched Earth Campaign — The Union Army’s Forgotten War Crime by James Bovard GEORGE ORWELL WROTE in 1945 that “the nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his […]

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FFF: How Trade Wars Shaped Early American History

  Future of Freedom, June 2014 How Trade Wars Shaped Early American History, Part 1 by James Bovard Fair trade is once again a rallying cry for many Americans. Many contemporary leftists believe that the U.S. government should impose restrictions or tariffs on imported goods that are alleged to have been produced by underpaid or […]

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