After years of hearing about how federal agencies believe that the warning signs of a domestic terrorist include people who are gung-ho for the Second Amendment, or who are contemptuous of Congress, and even folks who get perturbed at waiting in grocery store lines – there is a new terrorist warning sign of which I am absolutely, positively innocent.
The Mississippi guy indicted for mailing letters with traces of ricin to Obama and Congress has a long history of working as an Elvis impersonator.
OK, I did work as a Santa Claus – but any psychologist worth his salt will confirm that Santas have profoundly different criminal tendencies than do Elvis impersonators.
UPDATE: Federal charges in this case were dropped on April 23, 2013. Details here. I hope Congress or someone else can turn up the heat on the Justice Department to force them to disclose how they made a completely unjustified, super-high-profile arrest in this case. I hope the guy who was smeared can score justice on a false arrest suit – preferably to be settled by commandeering the paychecks of the feds who done him wrong.
Dead give-away! Elvis never had a beard!
At least he preserved that modicum of dignity.
Really? Are you sure he doesn’t have one NOW? And less hair. And an East Coast address. And a penchant for writing…..
Santa is a Christian figure known for interacting with children without Government vetting or training. Santa way more suspicious than Elvis!
You will probably still be taken in for questioning, and waterboarded until you say “Thank you–thank you very much”.
Was at the Chantilly gun show today – folks were selling t-shirts joking about being a waterboarding instructor. Unsavory stuff….