The ACLU & are suing the FBI in court to get the FBI’s confidential records on’s Justin Raimondo & Eric Garris. One FBI agent wrote in a 2004 memo that the Bureau should do further monitoring of “in the form of opening a ‘preliminary investigation …to determine if [redaction] are engaging in, […]
Archive | May 21, 2013

Before I Went to the Dark Side
Looking at this early 1960s photo, I am surprised how sweet & innocent I looked before I discovered how much I enjoyed giving hell to government agencies. photo from Public Policy Hooligan

Wall Street Journal Retorts to my IRS article
The Wall Street Journal published a letter today in response to my article, “A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting.” The story generated more than 260 comments online, including plenty of thoughtful observations. Reposted below are a few of the testier comments. Charitable Giving and IRS Abuses: The general outrage over the IRS auditing political […]