Well, maybe they’re pro-gun. But at least the jacket one is funny. As long as you’re left-handed. Regardless, great stuff from M. Twohy – who has been doing the Daily Cartoon for the New Yorker website.
Archive | July, 2013
New Yorker Cartoon: 911 is Busy, so Stand Your Ground
Progress! Even New Yorker cartoonists now understand the imperative of people not relying on police to save their necks…. (Okay, maybe that is not the interpretation the magazine hoped for, but…) A dozen years ago, I wrote a forward for a book entitled Dial 911 and Die, by Richard Stevens and Aaron Zelman. Here’s my […]
Dilbert Blows the Whistle on my Side Business
Wash. Times: AmeriCorps’ National Service Charade
Washington Times, July 18, 2013 BOVARD: AmeriCorps’ national service charade Paying youths to push big government makes a mockery of volunteerism by James Bovard At a White House ceremony Monday, President Obama announced a Task Force on Expanding National Service. He is jumping onto a popular bandwagon: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson recently promised that […]
Obama’s Vacuum Cleaner for Your Health Data
Here’s a piece I wrote in 2009 on one of Obama’s first assaults on privacy. A few of the piece’s punchier lines: *Privacy is very lucrative for the Beltway boys: they reap millions when they betray it. *We now know that psychologists were brought to the prison at Guantánamo to exploit detainees’ weaknesses for interrogation […]
N.Y. Times Snares Secret FISA Court Decrees – Fresh Hell for NSA and Obama
The New York Times published a long article today on secret rulings by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The article describes the FISA court as “almost a parallel Supreme Court” which has cast aside traditional understandings of privacy and the Fourth Amendment. Reading between the lines, it is clear that NYT has the actual decisions…. […]
Fiery Thomas Drake Speech from July 4 NSA Rally
Kevin Gosztola has posted the NBC video of Thomas Drake’s excellent speech from yesterday’s anti-surveillance rally. Here’s the spiel: