Future of Freedom Foundation Bipartisan Battering of Freedom by James Bovard For more than 40 years, Republicans have been promising to cut federal spending. In the same period, federal outlays have inched up by a few trillion dollars. But the Grand Old Party continues singing the same song — though voters may finally be losing […]
Archive | August, 2016
Fun with the Presidential Campaign & Hillary Clinton /Twitter
If Qadaffi had given $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, he might still be alive & @HillaryClinton would have better chance at winning — James Bovard (@JimBovard) August 20, 2016 .@HillaryClinton will need more fundraising $ to pay all her trolls in WPost comments on latest 15,000 email scandal https://t.co/TxY0v6Xlpl — James Bovard (@JimBovard) August […]

Wash. Times: Politicians & Peanut Pilfering
Washington Times, August 26, 2016 Politicians and Peanut Pilfering by James Bovard The peanut program is typical of the train wreck of farm subsidies The history of federal peanut policy is the perfect antidote to anyone who still believes that Congress could competently manage a lemonade stand. Federal spending for peanut subsidies will rise eight-fold […]

Barron’s: Obama’s Farm Fiasco
Barron’s, August 20, 2016 Farmers Should Farm for a Living by James Bovard And politicians should stop dishing out the pork. The U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts that spending for federal farm-commodity programs will increase eightfold from 2015 to 2017. Since the 1930s, Congress has rarely missed a chance to shower rural America with more […]

Freedom Fighter & Hellraising Author Claire Wolfe’s New Blog
My ol’ buddy Claire Wolfe has a zesty new blog here. Claire has done some of the best writing on freedom since her bestselling 1996 book, 101 Things to Do ‘Til the Revolution. Claire is hardline and very savvy on firearms and freedom – and plenty of other issues. She updates her blog much more […]

Carping on the Prez Campaign, Drone Killings, Metro terrorism, etc.
Due process 2016-style Newly-released documents show that Obama must both wink & nod before drones kill US citizens https://t.co/O7DSYK8QCo — James Bovard (@JimBovard) August 7, 2016 WPost oped sez release of 28 pages on 9/11 won' t"stop conspiracy theories" – 'cuz they show govt. lies? @28Pages https://t.co/pho0b9b00f — James Bovard (@JimBovard) August 4, 2016 FBI […]
FFF: Obama’s Forgotten Victims
Future of Freedom Foundation Obama’s Forgotten Victims by James Bovard The White House kept one seat vacant in the gallery during Obama’s State of the Union Address in January “for the victims of gun violence who no longer have a voice.” This was part of Obama’s crusade for new federal restrictions on firearms ownership. But […]