Archive | January, 2020

Ukraine and Biggest Absurdity of Impeachment

American Renewal  / Daily Caller, January 29, 2020 Impeachment’s Biggest Absurdity: Our Toxic Fixation On Useless And Corrupting Ukraine Aid by James Bovard The campaign to convict and remove President Donald Trump in the Senate hinges on delays in disbursing U.S. aid to Ukraine. Ukraine was supposedly on the verge of great progress until Trump […]

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Foreign Aid, The Boondoggle that Never Ends

The Senate impeachment trial of President Trump is hinging on  U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine. The Democratic House impeachment managers flogged the details of that aid so hard that even policy junkies are ready for cry for mercy. But almost no one is mentioning that foreign aid  has been a perpetual boondoggle for more than […]

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MP3 REAL I.D. Rampage – Scott Horton Show Interview

My old friend Scott Horton interviewed me on my article on how the REAL I.D. Act is sowing chaos around the nation.  Here’s the summary from Scott’s website: Jim Bovard talks about the federal pressure for states to comply with their “REAL ID” laws, which place higher standards on proving one’s identity and may require […]

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Washington is Ramming REAL I.D. Down Our Throats

American Conservative How Washington Is Ramming REAL ID Down Our Throats For years both conservative and liberal states resisted it. But now it’s here and the punishments for non-compliance begin. by James Bovard January 24, 2020|12:01 am Jim Bovard Being a patriotic citizen and a former Boy Scout, I recently answered the summons to my […]

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PBS Newshour Host Jim Lehrer, R.I.P.

“Why is Mr. Bovard considered so out of it in other words?” PBS Newshour host Jim Lehrer asked the other panelists as a 1990 brawl on farm subsidies wrapped up.  Shocked, shocked that PBS considered me a radical…. Jim Lehrer passed away today.  He was a legend of Washington broadcast journalism – a gracious host […]

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NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur by Ted Carpenter

If you’re seeking to understand how NATO became a peril to keeping America at peace, check out an excellent new book by my friend Ted Carpenter, NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur. NATO did superb work thwarting Soviet aggression in Europe. But NATO had no purpose after the Soviet Union dissolved. Unfortunately, NATO responded by continually expanding, […]

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