Ernie Hancock and I had a rattling good conversation this week on our latest escapades and the nation going to hell politically. The last time I saw Ernie, we were celebrating at Washington brewery – the feds had just ceased hounding him about his radio interviews with January 6 folks.
You can listen to the hour and forty minute interview by clicking here (audio only)
You can watch the video of the interview (no cigars) at this link
Here are a few of my lines from the interview:
* A lot of people in Washington were fans of my work when I was writing about trade barriers and things like that. But once I start writing about government killing innocent people, all of a sudden it was like, we wish he would stick to the tariff code.
* It was amazing to see how flat footed the Trump campaign and Republicans were in 2020 in pushing back effectively against the rigged changes in election procedures.
*The federal government is doing a lot of crap this year that could swing the national election to get Biden reelected. There are so many federal thumbs on the scales.
*It was a riverboat gamble for the Libertarian Party to invite Trump to speak at their convention. The best case scenario was that that Trump would recognize that he should not take pro-freedom votes for granted, that he’s got to earn them. The worst case scenario was some people would treat Trump like Julius Caesar, trying to put a crown on his head. The Trump invite helped split the Libertarian Party.
*The freedom movement had much better times in the past. It’s sad to think that it’s been over 40 years since a major party presidential candidate ran on a pro-freedom platform.
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