February is Epigrams Month. I will be posting epigrams from each of my books on this blog throughout this month. I would appreciate feedback on this list Are there any epigrams here that seem like clunkers and should be dropped? Are there lines that should be moved closer to the top? Are there lines not on this list […]
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More Bush Freedom Hokum
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my piece on Bush’s rhetoric from the October issue of Freedom Daily. After all of his huffing and puffing on freedom, it is no surprise that Bush will set up a Freedom Institute. Heck, I was looking for a good punchline on that inanity, but it may […]
Roberta Novello – My Old Nemesis Back in the News
The last time I wrote about Roberta Novello, she was doing a prohibitionist ax-swinging routine against a company that made Crazy Horse Malt Liquor. I am a fan neither of malt liquor nor Crazy Horse, but Novelli’s heavy-handed demagoguery was too much to bear. Posted below is an article I did for the Wall Street […]
Ten Thousand Czars
FreedomPolitics.com, the new website produced by the Orange County Register, posted online today a piece I did back in 2000 on Czar mania. (The article was a spinoff from Freedom in Chains). Once more around the track for this one…. TEN THOUSAND CZARS by James Bovard The Founding Fathers sought to build a government that […]
Still Ragging on AmeriCorps
I was interviewed by a Christian Science Monitor reporter recently about AmeriCorps. The Obama administration is talking about greatly increasing the enrollment in activities like the ‘civilian conservation corps.’ Here’s an outtake from the article: Critics point out such programs have proven inefficient in the past. “This is the type of thing that is driven […]
Gaza Slaughter “A Product of Circumstance”
Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni announced today that the Palestinian civilians killed by the IDF in Gaza were “a product of circumstance.” Livni recognizes that the carnage may present a public relations problem for the Israeli government: “These matters will present us with a complicated task … The consequences, in the context of civilians casualties, are something […]
Readin’ Ain’t What it Used to Be
Kudos to cartoonists Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman for capturing the demise of reading better than a stack of volumes by contemporary professors and a heap of studies by the National Endowment for the Arts. [Click on the cartoon for a full size version of the Zits cartoon] Unfortunately, the “experts” respond to this problem by recommending […]