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N.Y. Post: Shed a tear for America’s rapidly vanishing freedoms

New York Post, March 1, 2024 Shed a tear for America’s rapidly vanishing freedoms by James Bovard “Is the best of the free life behind us now?” Merle Haggard asked in a haunting 1982 country music hit song.  Nine years earlier, Haggard had scoffed at potheads and draft dodgers in a White House performance for […]

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Biden and the Ghost of Duncan Lemp

American Conservative, March 1, 2024 Inside the Latest Biden Showdown With Second Amendment Devotees by James Bovard The White House’s anti-gun campaign threatens to repeat sins of law enforcement’s recent past.   “His name was Duncan Lemp” is a common phrase among violent extremists, according to the FBI’s Domestic Terrorism Symbols report. The Washington Post sneered […]

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Pummeling Pillaging Police on the Brian Wilson Podcast

The latest episode of the Two and Only Podcast –   his summary: The Two and Only S3 Ep 9 — Brian Wilson and James Bovard “Do you drive, travel or think you actually own something? The Two and Only, Brian Wilson and Jim Bovard explain why not and why why not.” can listen or download […]

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Will Any ‘Last Rights’ Epigram Go to the Moon?

Will Any ‘Last Rights’ Epigram Go to the Moon? by James Bovard Epigrams are excellent propellants for seditious ideas. How far can one line go? Thirty years ago, I casually appended a sentence to the end of a paragraph in the final chapter of my book, Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty. I was […]

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Highway Robbery Is the Law of the Land

Highway Robbery Continues to Be the Law of the Land by James Bovard Seizure fever is toxifying law enforcement across the nation. For more than thirty years, federal, state, and local government agencies have plundered citizens on practically any harebrained accusation or pretext. You could be at risk of being pilfered by officialdom anytime you […]

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N.Y. Post: Will student-debt racketeering save Biden in November?

New York Post, February 22, 2024 Will student-debt racketeering save Biden in November? by James Bovard President Biden announced Tuesday he will personally cancel $1.2 billion in federal student debt for 153,000 borrowers.  The Supreme Court ruled in June that Biden’s $500 billion student-debt-forgiveness scheme was an illegal abuse of power. But the White House […]

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Thrashing Gun Grabbers & Championing Second Amendment on Brian Wilson Podcast

from the BrianWilsonWrites substack summary: It’s the “Shooting Blanks and Bulleyes” episode of the Two and Only! Brian Wilson and James Bovard gallop with a rip-snortin’ chat fest about Chapter 3 and the 2nd Amendment from Jim’s new book. You can download or listen to the podcast by clicking here Jim Bovard is a […]

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