Tag Archives | Buffoonery


Shakespeare Theatre Best Puck Ever

Washington’s Shakespeare Theatre is presenting free performances of Midsummer Night’s Dream through 9/13. This is the 3rd time I’ve seen that play since July & this version was superb. Adam Green does a magnificent job as Puck.  In a Washington Post profile of the three local versions of Shakespeare’s play, Green commented, “You don’t have […]

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jpb photo cop at anti war demo sept 2007 1391332229_c755cba140_b

FFF: Cops and Donuts Don’t Mix

From the April 2015 The Future of Freedom Cops and Donuts Don’t Mix by James Bovard On a Sunday morning early last summer, I was driving south across the Potomac River to a hike in Fairfax County, Virginia. The previous night the hike leader posted online a map of the jaunt. It looked like a […]

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Police and their Sisyphean Struggle

I’ve seen a lot of unsympathetic comments on law enforcement on the Internet recently. But this great cartoon from the new issue of the New Yorker captures the Sisyphean struggle that haunts police nowadays. Below is a collage of photos I took at DC demonstrations between 2005 and 2007. The individual photos are reposted below. […]

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Shakespearean Fury: Twat Troll, Usurper, Unenlightened, Highbrow Scorn

I am gratified that my Wall Street Journal piece on Silent Shakespeare is spurring thoughtful commentary from D.C. cultural luminaries. Here are a few samples: * “Twat troll”  was the honorific bestowed by a team of four reporters for the Washington City Paper.  Hmmm…  could not find term in my edition of Shakespeare’s Bawdy (1947). * “Highbrow scorn” […]

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